Thursday, 5 November 2015


 Pollution should be taken seriously, as it has a negative effect on natural elements that are completely essential for life to exist on earth, such as water and air. Indeed, without it, or if they were present in substantial amounts, animals – including humans – and plants will not survive.

There are several effects of environmental pollution on environment degradation, on human health, on animals, on global warming, depletion of the ozone layer and some leading to the infertility of lands.

. The increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere leads to smog which can restrict sunlight from reaching the earth and this prevents plants in the process of photosynthesis. Gases like Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide can cause acid rain. Also, water pollution in terms of Oil spillage may lead to death of several wildlife species.

 The effects of environmental pollution on humans are mainly physical. Well! Let me tell you a story. My friend and I closed from school one day and decided to take our normal short-cut routine back home. As we were going, we got to a place where a group of people were burning this car tyre. We ceased our breaths with the help of our handkerchiefs and passed by. Then after a week, my friend hadn’t reported to school so I decided to pass by her house and find out why. Lo and behold, I got there and I had the shock of my life when I was told that my friend was seriously sick and had been diagnosed of asthma and till today she has being battling with her life.

This is as a result of the air that was polluted by the people who were burning the tyre and we passed through. Asthma is not the only disease caused by air pollution. Chest pains, throat inflammation, cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer and other respiratory diseases are all caused by air pollution. We can also attract these diseases when we eat recollections of pollutants used in the production of processed foods, or pesticides from the crops. We may also be posed with skin related problems including skin irritations and rashes if water is contaminated and we drink it.
This normally occurs in rural areas where streams and rivers serve as their source of drinking water. Similarly, Noise pollution leads to hearing loss, stress and sleep disturbance and we all know that when one doesn’t sleep well, he or she begins to lose weight gradually.

Effects on Animals: Environmental pollution mainly affects animals by causing harm to their living environment, making it toxic for them to live in. Acid rains can change the composition of rivers and seas, making them toxic for fishes to live in. Fishermen who use Nitrogen and phosphates in rivers and seas in other to catch more fishes will cause overgrowth of toxic algae, preventing other forms of life to follow their normal course. Eventually, soil pollution will cause the destruction of microorganisms, which can have the dramatic effect of killing the first layers of the main food chain.

Effects on Global Warning: the emission of greenhouse gases particularly CO2 is leading to global warming. Every new day, new industries are being set up, new vehicles come on roads and trees are cut to make way for new homes. All of them, directly or indirectly may lead to increase in CO2 in the environment. The increase in CO2 leads to melting of polar ice caps which increases the sea level and pose danger for the people living near coastal areas.

We should therefore beware of these dangers and live civil lives for the betterment of our community..
by: Mariam Akua Allotey.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Pollution, one of the major problems our various communities face, but it got less awareness..
    Many lives at stake but we hardly notice pollution as the cause.. God save Ghana.
    Keep Raising Awareness..!!!
    Keep it up
